How To Be Single And Loving It For Valentine’s Day

Dating should be fun and light. It’s first and foremost emotion-based. There is no need to share all or know all in the first few dates. Let your eyes, touches, and most importantly, actions do the talking. If you find yourself dominating a conversation or doing most of the talking, pause, ask questions, and listen. Over-sharing isn’t sexy; it takes the allure of mystery out of a burgeoning romance. It’s like having someone describe the entire plot of a film bit by bit, would you still feel excited to go see it a short while later? Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading…

Share This Article Facebook0Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships Tagged in: communications, dating advice, dating tips Not having much luck with women lately?how to hack uberhorny membership Perhaps it’s them, or maybe it’s you.    Take it from me, I’ve been on many many dates. I know what makes an excellent date and what makes a bad date.  a good date is one that leaves you feeling positive and like it wasn’t a waste of time.  a good date will make one feel like you want to see this person again.  What’s a bad date? Well, bad dates make you want to run for the hills.  They make you not want to see this person again.  Let’s face it, bad dates make for GREAT stories … but do you really want to be that guy?

You know the one, the disaster date everyone hears about the next day. Women aren’t as complicated as you might think, no, really, they’re not. You just think they are because you’re not projecting the right image to keep them interested.  You heard me … it’s probably YOUR fault. Why is it your fault? Well, I’m going to give it to you straight (only because I like you) … it’s your fault should you choose any of these sure-fire ways to scare a woman off … 1. Look and Smell Like a Bum So you’re going on a date. How do you prepare? Do you shower? Do you put on deodorant? Do you brush your teeth? Do you clean your nose and ears?

How about brushing your own hair? Do you put on a nice, neat, clean outfit? Yes, sounds basic doesn’t it? But basic is best.  These should be fundamental actions to your daily routine, not just dating.  Women like men who look after themselves.  No one wants a man who looks like a bum and, even worse, smells like one!! You will be surprised how many men that approach me and how many men who meet me for dates that don’t meet the MINIMUM hygiene requirements.  To me, that’s a automatic turn off.  C’mon guys you will definitely scare a woman off if you look such as a bum. Why? Because in a woman’s mind if you can’t look after basic things like personal hygiene you then can’t look after more important things.

2. Coming On Too Strong or Creepy This should be a no brainer.  No woman desires to be devoured.  Yes, we love when a man is attracted to us and when he tells us that he is.  But, there’s a good way of telling a woman she’s stunning and a bad way.  I have had a guy who pulled out their penis in public to show me how turned on I made him.  EW! What on earth made him think I would like that? I’ve had guys follow me around.

  I’ve also had guys who stare at me during the date.  Just stare making use of their eyes bulging.  Creepy!! I’ve also had guys not even listen to what I’m saying and all they want is, and I quote, for me to simply help them “get their rocks off”.  Umm no thanks.  I’ve recently met a person who all he does is send me message after message about how gorgeous I am and how much he likes me and how smart I am, and he’s already planning our future together.  Umm no.  Coming on too strong or creepy will definitely scare a woman off.  Why? Because a woman likes a guy who’s attentive and attracted to her but who also knows how to play it cool and give it out in smaller doses, not totally all at once. 3. Checking Out Other Women OK guys, what on earth would cause you to believe that checking out other women while you’re on a date is a good thing?  Seriously? Even if your date isn’t quite what you’d hoped you still need to respect the person you’re with.  If you’re not interested in them then end the date.

  Do you really think the woman that you checked out would want to go out with you if you just disrespected the woman you were with? Not likely.  Checking out other women will definitely scare a woman off and everyone around her.  Why? Because women like to function as centre of your attention, we realize that you will notice other woman but we don’t like it when you make it obvious. 4. Bad Conversation Do you have a one track mind? Not only sexually, but do you have limited topics that you know about or like to talk about?

What your boyfriend’s home style says about him

This includes video games, geeky things, hipster things, extremist religious and political thought. How about talking about your bitch of an ex? What about talking ALL about yourself and what a great catch you are? How about not even engaging your date in your conversation and not letting her get a word in edgewise? FAIL! I’ve undoubtedly had some BORING dates with guys who kept going on and on about uninteresting topics, even when I tried to be engaged, and on occasion even tried to change the subject it didn’t work.

You need to try and be a good conversationalist about lots of random topics and current events to seem interesting. Being a bad conversationalist will no doubt scare a woman off.  Why? Because women such as a man who is interesting, who keeps her engaged and who is interested in what she has to say. 5. Being Rude How could you be rude? Well, do you use your mobile phone while on your date? Do you fail to use the basic common courtesies like saying please and thank you to your date and everyone else, like serving staff, etc.? Do you mock your date’s ideas and make fun of them? Do you arrive late for your date? You will be surprised how many times I’ve sat there speechless on a date because he was so arrogant and rude to me and everyone around him.  No thanks! People can tolerate only so much.  We all slip up sometimes, but being inherently rude shows a lack of character, makes you undesirable to others and is a sure-fire solution to scare a woman off.  Why? Because people want to be treated with respect and nobody likes to be treated rudely.

  Plain. Simple. So there! Scare any women lately? Yes? Well, now that you know what to do about it. Fix it!  You have the tools to take action.

  It’s wise practice but unfortunately not so common to everyone. Make a woman feel special by making an effort with her, by listening to her and by putting your best foot forward. It may not work each and every time, but trust me, it will work more often than not. Ladies, would you add to or remove anything from the list? Happy Dating! Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook0Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dates & Details, Dating & Relationships Special LIVE Webinar Training: “The 3 Critical Dating Mistakes That Women Make… And How To Avoid Them!”   Don’t Make This Critical Mistake!! The Sober Lover is hosting a jam-packed LIVE training webinar that’s going to show you the BIGGEST mistakes most women are making that lead to a lot of frustrating dates, avoidable heartbreak, and too much confusion. It’s happening Nov. 17th (THURSDAY) night at 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST. I guarantee you’re making at least 1 of those mistakes (and based on the odds, likely all 3!) On this training, you’ll understand: The “Sexual Relationship” Pricing Myth that is guaranteed to reduce your chances at true love The wrong type of man to date and why he’s more scared of you than you should be of him Specifically how to avoid ever making these dangerous and time-consuming errors in the future The simple 3 step process it is possible to follow to take control of your love life and be empowered to create the ever-lasting intimacy that you deserve I’ll also share how I’ve used these exact strategies in my own relationship and how I have helped tons of singles find love & (more importantly) KEEP love. You’ll also learn my greatest insights with regards to attraction and intimacy. Get registered by going to this link: Warning: This webinar is open to the public, and with 100 spots available we have limited space. Please arrive early in order to reserve your spot. This will be A live webinar held Nov.

17th, at 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST. Enroll now and I’ll see you on the training soon! Moving from Drunk Infatuation to Real Intimacy Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook16Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships, Featured, For Women Tagged in: advice, Dating, love, mistakes, Relationships, women So, um, how healthy are ya, fella? Many experts in the field of improving male sexual health care and highlights the intense focus that is directed toward the dimensions of a man’s vessel. Most men want a bigger vessel and fuller, because a larger vessel gives great sexual benefits to men and their partners. With a larger vessel and better equipped most recognized men experience feelings of increased confidence and greater capacity for sexual performance (and improving sexual health in general), in addition to their sexual partners are also able to enjoy more of the pleasures of relation. Erect vessel, from the biological standpoint, is responsible for facilitating their penetration into the female by the male. The old and worn argument about the SIZE! Question? Does it matter? The guys are better equipped to take all the girls?

Losing my Tinder Date Virginity

“Bigger size equals more pleasure for both? It seems that every one of these arguments, in most cases, are true. The size matters as much as skill with regards to enjoying a full psychological and sexual health. There is no need a vessel 30 inches, but if necessary to maintain an erection for a considerable time and that the male sexual member is strong and reach their greatest potential in terms of size and thickness (the thickness is especially important because that is because of this that can stimulate more nerve endings in the labia of women).

Sexual health is not issue on which most men feel comfortable talking. a sexual problem is any malfunction that occurs during any sexual activity that does not allow a man or his partner from experiencing complete satisfaction that activity. Fortunately, most cases of sexual dysfunction can be treated, which explains why you should not hesitate to share your concerns with a doctor or specialist. There are two types of causes for sexual problems: physical and psychological. Physical causes include diabetes, heart problems, lack of a natural hormone regulator, chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, and also the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Psychological causes include stress caused by labor problems, are worried about sexual performance and not be able to meet the couple, marital problems, depression or guilt, and effects of sexual upheaval in the past. The most common and familiar sexual problems in men are ejaculation disorders, dysfunction and reduced libido or sexual desire. Ejaculation disorders like ejaculation are caused largely by past traumatic events and psychological factors as feelings of guilt while having relation, in addition to nervousness. Dysfunction is the inability to get or keep a strong erection during relation and may be caused by diseases that affect blood flow to the vessel as erection is achieved when enough blood comes into the erectile tissue.

The last problem is the sexual appetite, which is a decreased interest in sexual intercourse, can be caused by low testosterone levels or psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. The best way to improve their comprehensive sexual health, potency, and quality of your erections? So what we always say: 1-Consult your doctor if in doubt 2-Use 100% natural and proven quality in the field of sexual health 3-Use common sense and investigate carefully who offers what. By: adrianna smith Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook0Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: For Men, Sex Tagged in: large penis, sexual health Relationships are the most important things that are essential and significant to everybody. Unless they are treated and nourished carefully, you cannot be sure of how long-lasting they can be. In order to keep it exciting and sensational, below are a few tips to ensure the longevity of a relationship: Stay Intelligent and Sensible Being stunning and attractive is one of the biggest plus points of a relationship, but what’s the point if you’re just a beauty without brains. Most men prefer dating women who are both intelligent and sensible and surprisingly, these faculties seem to be given more prominence when compared to the looks department. Quit Being Lethargic and Stay Active Staying active does not necessarily relate to physical pleasure alone, but there are many other generic factors which can be associated with it. Nobody wants dating someone who is lethargic and those who have a laid back personality and what better solution to beat these blues than to make efforts to stay fit by working out regularly. More Romance Romance can literally be termed as the foundation of a relationship, without which it gets routine and boring. It is important that you continue to inspire each other and care for each other and stay expressive in both words and actions, constantly reminding your partner as to how much you care about them. Cooking Together While it may actually sound lame to some, cooking together is one of the most romantic aspects of a relationship.

Imagine preparing a meal together and treating this as a romantic ritual rather than just another household chore, of course seasoning it with plenty of cuddling and staying close to each other. Spontaneity Is the Secret Break the monotony and make things spontaneous in order to maintain an exciting relationship. This means stop calculating things as it discourages and takes away the element of excitement from a relationship. It could be as simple as taking a road trip this weekend or catching up on a surprise date or dinner. Mutual Inspiration Being a source of inspiration to each other is one of the most exciting things of a relationship and deepens the romantic element between both the partners. The best part is that this aspect acts as a significant support base for your partner. Get Humorous No relationship can remain exciting and thrilling without an component of humor, which happens to be the only solution to lighten up dull moments. This is also a great way of diffusing tension and adding more spice to life by laughing it up. This is a vital aspect that needs to be considered in every relationship as it plays a role in strengthening the bond between partners.

Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook4Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Date Ideas, Dates & Details, Dating & Relationships, Online Dating, Relationships, Tips & Advice Tagged in: how to keep relationship alive, how to stay in love, keep love alive, long lasting relationship, relationship advice Did your ex girlfriend say something to hurt you, intentionally? Were you on your knees for your ex, begging and pleading for her to take you back? Did your ex girlfriend break your heart in hundred pieces? If so, you are in the right place. In this post you will learn how to feel better after a breakup and how to let go of the things which bother you. 1) The motivation psychology – When she dumps you, you become less motivated to accomplish much of anything. Have you any idea why? It is because she influenced your life to a great extent. You made her a major part of your life. You made plans for your career considering her. You always made plans for weekends considering her. You did things considering your relationship. And you tried to adjust some of your traits considering the pleasure of your girlfriend.

nonetheless, she actually is not with you now. All those things for which you considered her, they’re gone! Then, how can you become motivated to do your daily routine and go on with your life? Right now you are feeling like you have lost everything. That’s the reasons why you have lost motivation to accomplish things. The perfect solution is to this problem is quite simple. Instead of thinking that you have lost your life, you should believe that you are just getting a new life. Now you don’t have to face the arrogance of your ex girlfriend. You don’t have to change yourself to make her happy. Now you are free. Now you can do what you want. Enjoy your freedom and you will get motivated again. 2) No alcohol at all – If alcohol can end depression and sadness, then alcoholics would be the happiest people on earth. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol will make your more depressed.

It is a depressant – not a happiness-drug. Nonetheless, alcohol will help you to distract your mind from thinking about your ex girlfriend, yet you will become more depressed when its effect goes away. Some guys take drinks at night so that they can fall asleep. Nonetheless, when they wake up in the morning, they feel sad about their situation. Also, if you drink excessively, you will lose your power to think properly. Thus, you will not be able to get over her, and you might develop suicidal thoughts. So, don’t take that sip of alcohol and you will feel lot better without it. 3) Properly channel your emotions – If you are feeling bad about your situation, then it is okay to cry. We all experience some lows in our lives. We all cry on some occasions. And who says that men don’t cry? It’s okay. Men are emotional creatures too. If you cry, then it means that you enjoyed someone badly.

nonetheless, when you stop crying then don’t cry for the same reason once more. 4) Talk to your friends – when you’re feeling bad, it is always good to confer with your friends. You will feel a great relief when you share your suppressed emotions to them. Talk about your future fears and you will find that most of your fears will go away. Talk to them and you will also get intimacy for which you may also be craving at this time. 5) Read positive things right before sleeping – While you are trying to feel better after a breakup, it is possible to program your subconscious mind to help you feel good. Read positive things and psychology books before sleeping at night. When you wake up in the morning, you will have those positive thoughts you experienced while reading at night.

Your subconscious mind always works even though you were sleeping. Make a habit of reading positive things right before sleeping at night, and you will feel a lot better within a couple of weeks. Signup for Our Newsletter Get Us in Your Inbox! Online Dating, Sex, and Relationship Advice Tips in Your Inbox… Follow @theurbandater Like this:Like Loading… Share This Article Facebook10Tweet0Pin0 Posted in: Dating & Relationships Tagged in: ex girlfriend, get over your ex 1 in 3 Americans Has Indulged in Kinky Play with regards to the bedroom, the South is a shade more experimental than the rest of America, according to a new leger study commissioned by boundary-pushing Ashley Madison. The first annual Ashley Madison Sex Shades Survey explores how sexually adventurous U.S. women and men report feeling in the world of 50 shades hype.  The survey polled 2500 North Americans (1500 American men and women, aged 25 years of age or older) in early February 2017. Good Communication & Trust Key to “Getting Kinky.” Overall, a whopping 86% of men and 71% of women say they are open to trying new things suggested by their partner in the bedroom — and when it comes to getting “kinky,” 85% of men and 77% of women say “good communication and trust” is important.

More than 90% of Americans say they’re familiar with a well-known book and movie franchise that delves into erotic experimentation — and of those, 32% of women and 23% of men say that just hearing about the book or movie inspired them to try something new in the bedroom.